Sunday 23 December 2012


In the coldest shivering night of December, in the silent holy night, born our King , The Savior, in a small manger,in the valley of Bethlehem. The Light spread all over the world . The Angels of God praised:                                                                    

                                       "glory to God in highest Heaven,
                      and Peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!".

The flocks and the poor shepherd, the first who blessed to here the Good News saw Him lying on the manger, shared the Good News that they got from the Angel to Joseph and Mary. The Star in the east lead the three kings to the Greatest King. It moved infront of them. And stayed above the place where the baby was lying. They became very happy when they saw the star. They went into the home, saw the baby with  Joseph and Mary, presented the Baby Jesusgold, frankincense, myrrh, and worshiped Him.      


The December is the most important month in the church year and the Christmas is the important commemoration. It is the most popular commemoration too. Thus the month gives great Hope and Joyfulness to the whole world. Let's just move on to some other topics related to Christmas...

History of Christmas Day on December 25

In most of the countries, Christmas is celebrated on December 25(Think it is a celebration lasting for the whole December).How does the day December 25 got this great bless? See, the Christmas on December 25 is first known to have been celebrated in Rome   in the second quarter of 4th century. When it commemorated the birth of Jesus Christ there was no EpiphanyIn the eastern empire a festival on January 6 commemorated the Manifestation of God, both birth and baptism of Jesus and yet there was no Christmas. Later, as the powerful Empire was Rome, Christmas celebration of December 25 spread all over the world. But even now in Russia the Christmas celebrations are on January 6. The word 'Christmas' derived from Latin word 'cristes-messe',which means 'mass of Christ'.

Religious view of Christmas                             

The word 'Christmas' has one more meaning, i.e. 'Anointed'. It is true that Jesus is the anointed of Father. He is the Savior and the Lord. Christmas is the day of great hope, because He is the promise of God, promise from the beginning(At the time when dismissed from Paradise).The Father promise his Beloved Son as the savior of people who have fell from the totality of Paradise to the sinful Earth. Thus birth of Jesus gives the hope of Heaven. According to the praise of army of Angels of God, it is the time of Peace too.

Traditional Custom of Christmas   


The traditional customs related to Christmas is from several sources. It is a day of merry making. People are used to exchange gifts and greeting cards. Hanging Christmas Star is also a custom we follow. We make cribs and place grottoes of Baby Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Angel, Shepherds, Kings and flocks in it which remembers the flock house of the Bethlehem. We celebrate it with cakes and crackers. It's a fine experience of going Church during the shivering cold midnight of December 24.           


Now the coldest December once again, the stars were appearing in homes proclaim the arrival of X'mas, Early wishes to you and your family. 

May God Bless You! 

Sunday 18 November 2012


                          This is the month NOVEBER which is especially dedicated to The FAITHFUL DEPARTED! We have the responsibility to pray for them. The believe is that for the prayers we raise for them will be rewarded through their prayers for us!

For the same please go through the prayer below. May God bless you! ;

            "May  the   Souls  of   the  Faithful  Departed  , through  the  Mercy  of  God  , Rest  in  Peace!"




Listen kindly to our prayers, O Lord, and, as our faith in your Son, raised from the dead, is deepened, so may our hope of resurrection for your departed servants also find new strength. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


Monday 11 June 2012

The birth of Jesus Christ gave the hope of salvation to the world.The angels praised  :"Glory to God in highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased".And so let's praise the Lord,try to lead a life that would be pleased by Him and thus to attain Peace on earth.

                     So in whole let's start our discussion with these words..........................

                                   " Glory to God


                   Make Peace on Earth"